
Boleto Turistico: why you need it and where to buy

Tourist pass (Boleto Turistico) gives an access to many museums of Cusco, ruins around the city and archaeological complexes of the Sacred Valley of the Incas (in total 16 places of interest). You can enter these places only if you have a tourist pass, therefore, if you want to visit these places, you will have to purchase it.

Boleto turistico / tourist pass is valid for 10 days. Price for the 10 days pass: 130/S (130 Soles, approx $47). If you are a student and have an ISIC card you will pay only 70/S (approx $26). 

Where to buy: Cusco, Avenida Sol 103, office 102, Galerias Turisticas (in the building of the National Art Museum (Museo de Arte Popular)), daily 8am-6pm. 

The tourist ticket allows entrance to 16 sites which are:

In the city of Cusco:

  • Museum of Regional History (Museo de Historia Regional)
  • Museum of Contemporary Art (Museo Palacio Municipal de Arte Contemporaneo)
  • Qoricancha Museum (Museo de Sitio del Qoricancha) - but not Qoricancha itself
  • Museum of Popular Art (Museo de Arte Popular)
  • Native Music and Dance Centre (Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo)
  • Pachacutec Monument (Monumento Pachacutec)

Just outside of the City (and usually visited as part of a half day city tour)

  • Sacsayhuaman
  • Q'enko
  • Tambomachay
  • Puca Pucara

In the Sacred Valley & around Chinchero (usually visited as part of a full day Sacred Valley tour except Moray)

  • Pisac
  • Ollantaytambo
  • Chinchero
  • Moray

To the south of Cusco (and rarely visited)

  • Pikillacta (near Urcos and the only major pre-Inca ruin in the Cusco area)
  • Tipon (mainly Inca terracing)

Partial Tickets

If you don't have the time or inclination to visit all of the attractions on the "General Ticket" listed above then you can buy separate tickets to smaller groups of attractions known as tourist "Circuits"

Circuit 1: Costs 70 Peruvian Soles (approx US$26) and is valid for 1 day

Includes Sacsayhuaman, Q'enko, Tambomachay and Puca Pucara.

Circuit 2: Costs 70 Peruvian Soles (approx US$26) and is valid for 2 days

Includes Museum of Regional History, Museum of Contemporary Art, Koricancha Museum (but not Koricancha itself), Museum of Popular Art, Native Music and Dance Centre, Pachacutec Monument, Pikillacta & Tipon.

Circuit 3: Costs 70 Peruvian Soles (approx US$26) and is valid for 2 days

Includes Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero & Moray

Not Included:

Entrance tickets to the following sites are not included in the Boleto Turistico and must be purchased separately:

  • Cathedral (S/.25) or free with Religious Sites Ticket - see below
  • La Compania (S/.10)
  • Koricancha / Qoricancha /Temple of the Sun (S/.10)
  • Inka Museum (S/.10),
  • Museo de Arte Precolombino (S/.20)
  • La Merced (S/.6)
  • Museo de Arte Religioso del Arzobispado (S/.15) or free with Religious Sites Ticket - see below
  • San Blas Church (S/.10) or free with Religious Sites Ticket - see below
  • San Cristobal Church (S/.5)
  • Museo y Convento de San Francisco (S/.5)
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